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2023-07-16 15:56:29

How To Draw Manga Face Frontal View [Real Time]

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Hey guys , this is white manga , new video on how to draw manga .

But in this video , we're gonna focus on the frontal face and it's gonna be narrated obviously , if not , what are you hearing ?

Um So this video uh as a model the same way um similar to how I do most of my other videos , I'm gonna use a character from Apple Black and I'm gonna use the main character Sano as a model for this video .

And even though I said uh frontal face is is frontal , but it's not 100% fun frontal because you know , if you wanna be drawing like dynamic , you're gonna be drawing like dynamic drawings and stuff like that .

Um It's very rare that somebody looks at you directly in the middle unless you know something stylistic is going on .

So it's , it's , it's somewhat of a rare case but it's still possible but still rare .

Annoying .

So um that's what this video is basically gonna be a heads up .

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I've , I've kind of done uh just drawing on the phase before and it was just in one angle and with time , you know , with time I'll do more there will be more stuff to show uh and uh more videos to make .

Uh uh recently , I've been coming up coming up with a lot of ideas and I will execute .

But the reason uh this video came to mind , it's kind of like me wanting to kill two birds with one stone .

And um I wanted to do a different tutorial and I realized , you know , I was drawing , you know , somewhat of a uh somewhat of a frontal face .

And I wanted to make a video like this anyways , so I'm kind of cutting the tutorial in half where in this video , I'll focus on the character itself and draw the phase uh and you know , do a tutorial on that .

But the reason why I'm actually uh focusing on the body a little bit here as well is because I want to make a video that's gonna focus on drawing folds like how to draw clothing .

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So in this video , Santa is gonna be somewhat naked , I guess , but no clothing and eventually um in the clothing video on how to draw folds , you know , I'll add everything else .

So that's gonna be a future video most likely the next video .

Uh So y'all can stay tuned to that .

And if you're watching this video maybe weeks before weeks after its release , then the folds video is already out and I'll have it attached uh to the to this video in the , you know , about section or as an annotation .

Uh it'll pop up on the screen somewhere right about now .

Uh So y'all can check that out .

Uh or you can check that out , you know , after you watch this and maybe on that video , I'll also link back to this as well if you're interested in wanting to see how I draw um when I come up with the body because coming up with the body is gonna be part of that tutorial .

So there'll be a kind of linking back and forth between this and that one .

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So basically , I enjoying frontal , uh just gonna uh get into a frontal face pretty soon .

And , you know , for obvious reasons , this is just a basic model face and it's gonna be done in real time .

So I'll be narrating kind of like trying to capture where my mind was when I was drawing the character in the first place .

Um So , yeah , I hope you guys enjoyed it .

OK .

Now hopping into this video , um Most of , you know , I try to start with like an egg like shape of the head and I here I'm going in with the ears , just remember it's not exactly like the egg and you kind of have to define the jaw just a little bit , not the character I'm drawing is a little young .

So the jaws are not gonna be too defined and it , you know , pretty uh gonna be pretty loose .

Uh So after adding the ears , I'm going to be , I'm going in with the hair now , this is Santa , uh , before I talk about the hair at all .

Keep in mind that the ears , the height of the ears , like at the top of the ear is gonna be around the same height with , uh , where the eyebrows are gonna be .

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But you're gonna see that in a second because I'm , you know , I haven't drawn the eyebrows at all yet .

But um yeah , so I'm just going in with the ears kind of defining that jaw a little bit more and fooling around with the hair just making it more , you know , adding some highlights to the hair .

And uh basically , I just do that with a white space and having some lines go through it to indicate , you know , the strands of hair .

So here , uh I like to um I'm going in just know that the eye , those , those , those are the lines for like the eyes and that's kind of the vertical lines kind of just indicating where I'm gonna have the nose a little bit .

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So it's a frontal view , but it's not exactly 100% frontal because , you know , that's , that's actually very rare unless you're drawing like a character bio or , you know , um drawing , you know , one of those drawing the same character from different angles , creating some kind of like uh um character design development board .

So , you know , drawing the um eyebrows at the top .

And I'm following that line that I drew vertical line in the middle to create the nose .

You can see this is basically almost done , you know , when people are creating comics and they don't take , you know , creating these comics and you know , creating a lot of , a lot of pages , drawing faces is one thing that you kind of have to learn and draw fast if you wanna create comics and you know , you wanna have it released at a good pace , you know , drawing the mouth going in with the mouth , um going in with the mouth , slightly below uh slightly below the dose .

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Now , here's a little guide to how I have drawn , you know how I've come up with this and you can see how there is , there is a good space in between uh good space in between both eyes unless the character has their eyes really close together .

Because remember that when you're drawing different characters , everybody , if you want to be realistic with it , everybody kind of has a different facial structure .

But for this , you know , basic simple young uh anime boy character , which is here , you know , I'm keeping the eyes giving them a distance uh away from each other , right ?

Not they're not too close .

And um the eyeballs , you know , if you were drawing it 100% right , the left side of the face or the right side of the face would be very symmetrical .

So even though we're moving just slightly slightly to left , um , at least slightly to his left and more slight he to us , slightly to the right .

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Um , you kind of have to still position them in the way that you're giving them the distance , but the nose is gonna help really different shape how , where he's looking and , um , the , the direction he's facing and how he's not exactly looking at us 100% .

Now , the green line kind of represents the guidelines even though I didn't really use them .

But you can , you know , you can take , you can look at them and um , if that helps you then fine , like the first uh horizontal line is kind of like for the eyebrows .

And uh the next is kind of just like a vague range of where the eyes would either start or maybe you start it slightly above and will go uh below , maybe a little more .

But that's like where the eyes , it's , the eye itself is gonna be a uh gonna be right ?

You can see that the skin covers the eye , the eye is really all a circle , right ?

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And the eye is really a circle and it's so it's behind the skin , but that's so the second horizontal line is kind of like where maybe the eyeballs are uh or the iris or the poo or whatever , the kind of like a vague idea of where those will begin and then you have um uh the third horizontal line which is kind of like the tip of the nose and the last one being for the mouth .

Um So that's like a , you know , an idea of where I put things and some , for some characters is gonna be different .

There are some characters , maybe you want their jaw to be really big .

So the red line , the red outline for uh you know , kind of signal signaling , you know , the , the head , uh the shape of the head could be much different .

So it's kind of like you'd be using these guidelines to you morph these guidelines based on the kind of character you , you're , you're , you know , you're drawing that you're coming up with .

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So what I , what I want you guys to notice is the red lines for the nose .

Now , the way I've drawn the nose , even though the green line is kind of like um in front of the red for um for the right side of the nose , at least from our view .

And it's kind of like above it , but just imagine there's a right uh a red line there .

And that's kind of like just indicating the bridge of the nose .

And we're not gonna show the one on the left right , we're not gonna show the one on the left because his head is kind of like he's not looking at us directly , right .

So he's looking at us , his head is kind of like moving a little bit to his left , but that's all right .

And if the character's head is moving to their r let's say our right , right .

That's , that's the line , that's the line you see , we don't see the line on the other side .

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Um And you know , this is like , this is not like a real , this is like my styles , this is not like some realistic style .

This is like a very simplified uh very manga Japanese inspired kind of style .

And um this is my style really .

So because his head is faced towards direction , that's the , that's the side of the nose that we're actually going to draw and see and , and you know , you can add in nostrils as you can see that some , some uh manga and anime styles do not add nostrils when it comes to styles .

Maybe that's another video that I'll go into and maybe how to develop your own style .

So you can stay tuned for that as well .

But for this video , I just wanna just wanna keep in mind that there's like a part of the bridge that you don't show unless it's a stylistic thing you want to do and you wanna show both lines indicating the bridge of the nose .

But and uh an example of that would be maybe Ota's one piece for Nika Robin , right ?

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But it's , it's , it's more of a stylistic thing because no matter where she faces both lines indicating that bridge of the nose are shown .

Now , sometimes if the character will , even though this character is not facing us directly , 100% let's just imagine it is for a second , the , the , uh , you sometimes some styles are special .

They wouldn't draw any , any bridge , any line indicating the , the bridge of the nose at all .

They would just have it like this .

And sometimes , maybe they only use a line , they would use an actual shade .

So maybe if the light light source is coming from above , you see some shade below the nose , um uh if the light source is coming from the left , you see a shade on the , you know , if his light is coming from the left , you see a shade on the right to indicate in indicate the , the bridge of the nose .

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But , you know , sometimes you can use lines and in my case where it's , and then I , I don't use that much tone , even though I do use tone in my pages , there would be I , I just use a line there .

Sometimes I use a line and a tone .

It depends , but some people wouldn't use tones at all and they would just have the , the nose , they would just allow the reader kind of imagine the bridge of the nose by themselves .

And if you're drawing the character from a side view , that's where you really get to see , you know , the shape of the character's nose but , but the front view was left pretty simplistic kind of like this .

You know , again , remember if you are drawing 100% it will most likely be symmetrical unless the character is deformed in some way .

So you gotta keep that in mind as well .

Uh So , and another thing to keep in mind , this is all style stuff , right ?

You can really take what I'm saying and kind of bend the rules and break them to how you want it .

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It's , it's really up to you for the most part , you know , lastly , you know , one tip I'll give you guys is you kind of have to practice this stuff .

I don't want you , I don't want um anyone trying to learn to think that you can just watch youtube when I was starting , I watched youtube videos as well , but I had to go out and practice these things .

So you have to actually practice and understand and change , kind of not just uh practice what you see kind of like experiment , uh whether it's in your style or look at other styles and try to experiment , combine things and try to understand why certain lines are drawn the way they're drawn , understand why certain lines are done the way they are um and play around with it and not just rely on maybe just one video and try to understand it from , you know , different angles .

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Uh Some people like to say maybe you can draw real , real people from uh a front of view of real people first , like realistic drawings and maybe that'll help you when you're trying to draw something simplistic , you know , kind of trying to teach the idea that um once you know , the rules , you can break them , that's pretty much it for this video .

Uh This was , I hope you guys enjoyed it .

I hope you guys learned something from it as to some of you this , well , some of the things I said may not be new at all , but in general , I hope you guys enjoyed the video .

Uh Please subscribe for more videos .

Stay tuned for the video on clothing and folds and things like that .

So like this video , subscribe to the channel .

Uh Please , you know , check out Apple Black , that's my comic .

You can read the first four chapters free on Saturday DM .

So links are below in the section to what Sad Day M is or what app like is all the other comics on Sad DM ?

Are you can check that out ?

I'll leave links to everything below and you can check out my social media , Twitter , Facebook and all that .

But don't forget to like the video and subscribe .

And those are the things that really help the youtube channel out .

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I'm really trying to take this youtube channel to New Heights .

Uh So yeah , manga , stay tuned and I'm a


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